How can we invite users with email ?


We have added a video explaining how users can be invited by email to register for the Mobietrain app



If after watching the video it is still not entirely clear how we can invite a user via email, you can find a detailed procedure here.



When you want to invite new users, you need the following information

  • First name
  • Last name
  • Email address
  • phone number
  • Job position
  • User groups


In CMS “” you must navigate to user management. In user management, you must select “Invite user”




Once you have opened the user management you have to select the "invite user" Tab




Once you have opened the invite user form you have to fill in all fields in the form.

  • first name
  • last name
  • email adress
  • Phone number : you can enter both the telephone number and the email address at the same time. If you enter both, the email address will take precedence over the mobile phone number
  • Job Position (this is not mandatory)
  • User/Company ID ( not mandatory)
  • Stores: This is not mandatory when the user has a role as a user but when he has a role as a manager it is mandatory because it causes blocking issues when the user is going to log in to the MobietTrain app "" for the first time. When a manager tries to log in to the Mobietrain app when no store is linked to his user in CMS "" he will not be able to continue after the language is selected.
  • User Group: you must add at least one user group. If you do not add any user group, the user will not see any learning content when he logs in to the Mobietrain app ""





at the end of the form you have to select the user agreement 




You must also select the language in which you want to receive the invitation email.




Now you have filled in all fields you can invite the user by selecting the invite Button




When you have selected the invite button you will receive an invitation mail in your mailbox.





As long as you don't register your self yourself for the MobieTrain app "" you will not be able to log in to the MobieTrain app and will stay visible in the invite users tab.




Your account will stay visible in this Tab for a maximum of 60 days. When you didn't register after 60 days your u registered account will also automatically be removed from our database due to GDPR regulations. However, in the span of these 60 days, you will receive a reminder email on a regular basis to register it.

If you have access to CMS "" you can also check the status of the users who are invited.



When you see in CMS that the event markers are colored Yellow  this means that the users have not registered themselves 7 days before the invitation expires.

When you see in CMS that the event markers are colored red, this means that the users have not registered themselves 3 days before the invitation expires.

As long as the users are in the invited user list, you can resend the link to the users by pressing the resend button. When this Resent button is not active, it means that it was used less than 24 hours ago



















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