Integrations - User data mapping


What is it?

This article comes in handy if you want to setup an integration that sends through employee information to MobieTrain.

In that case, it is very useful to know what type of user information can be stored in your MobieTrain account. This is after all data you can identify, filter and segment users on! Moreover, you can also provide your employees access to specific content, based on this user data.

Lastly, your IT department needs to know exactly how the information is stored to ensure that the integration will work correctly.

Which user data is stored in MobieTrain?

The table below shows:

  • which user data is stored in MobieTrain
  • what it is used for
  • if it is required when creating a user on your MobieTrain account via an integration
  • any specifications that are necessary to know when you setup the integration
Name Description Required Specifications
External ID This is the unique identifier of the user within your software system. It will not be displayed in MobieTrain's CMS. Yes For Azure AD/Entra: please be aware that this is not (automatically) the e-mail address of the user 
User/Company ID This is the unique identifier of the user within your software system. It will be displayed in MobieTrain's CMS. No

Free text, max. 255 characters

First name The first name of the user Yes Free text, max. 255 characters
Last name The last name of the user Yes Free text, max. 255 characters
E-mail The e-mail address of the user Conditional At least the e-mail or phone number should be filled in. We strongly advise to always fill in the e-mail in order to be able to communicate to the user.
Phone number The phone number of the user Conditional At least the e-mail or phone number should be filled in. The land code should always be included on the phone number, according to the format +XXX XXX XXX XXX
Job position The job title of the user No Free text, max. 255 characters
User group name Groups the user is linked to in order to grant permissions & segment the users (e.g. department, job position, ....) No One user can be linked to multiple user groups.
Free text, max. 255 characters
User group ID The unique identifier of the user group in your system to link the users in MobieTrain to. In case the name of the user group changes, the users will still be connected to the correct user group. Conditional It is not required by the system, but strongly advised to use in a SSO integration
User group type User groups do not have a hierarchy in MobieTrain. However, with the user group type, you can define multiple segments within your user group. No

E.g.: Your company has several departments, such as HR, Marketing, Sales,...

Those could be the user group names and they will all be linked to the user group type Department.

Store Location of the user. This can be e.g. a store name, city name,.... No A user can be linked to multiple stores.
Free text, max. 255 characters
Store country The country the store is in or the country the user is located in Conditional This is mandatory if there is a store name.
Should be formatted as the country's calling code (e.g. Belgium = 32)
Store ref id The reference code for the store (unique identifier) Conditional This is mandatory if there is a store name.
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