Yes, dearest MobieTrainer, we now also provide our very own certificate which you can add to any learning path of your choosing! ‘What does this mean?” Well, let us explain!
From now on, your users can earn a certificate when they have completed a learning path and passed every level test, including the final test. This will be the proof of their accomplishments. The certificate will be named after the learning path the user has completed and include the date on which they earned it.They will have the option to mail the certificate to themselves and print it!
Clear overview
You will also be able to see which learning paths the CMS have a certificate attached and which paths don’t. This way you’ll have a clear overview of all your existing paths and all the different kind of certificates users can earn!
You can add a certificate to existing paths as well as new paths. To do so, you click on the desired path and press the publish button on the top right of your screen. Here you’ll see the option to certify that learning path. Awesome, right?
Now, before you all jump right into it 💃, remember that once you’ve certified a learning path, you can no longer change any kind of content in that learning path (except if you clone it). So, make sure your path is completely ready before publishing and certifying. Double check your content with the preview option.
The power of admins
Imagine that one of your users forgot to send the certification to him or herself. No need to panic, because as an admin you can go to the user management section in the CMS and download each user’s certificate!
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